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You could get paid to learn!  Yes, we're serious, it’s not too good to be true.

Our YESS program can give you the opportunity to earn, learn, and practice your new skills on the job if you are between 15 and 30 years old, need assistance to overcome barriers and meet the following requirements: ​

You are out of school

You are a Canadian citizen, permanent resident, or have refugee status

You are legally entitled to work in Ontario

You are not collecting Employment Insurance benefits

An Intake session is required before we can establish registration, and participant acceptance is determined by ATN’s selection process.

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Funded by the Government of Canada, our GO Program offers jobseekers who experience a disability or barrier 5 weeks in-class training + 10 weeks PAID work experience!

Youth Employment and Skills Strategy (YESS) Program

Earn while you learn!

If you are a youth jobseeker (ages 15-30) with a disability or other barrier, connect with us today!

Program Highlights

  • 5 weeks PAID in-class training

  • 10 week PAID job placement with real life work experience

  • Workshops including food and nutrition, financial literacy, and cyber security

people using virtual reality headset

Our YESS Program was developed to help young people get the skills and knowledge they need to find jobs. Upon acceptance to the program you will participate in 5 weeks of in class pre-employment training and complete a 10 week real-life, real job placement. The best part -- you get paid for both!

During the pre-employment training you will attend classes with other participants and our YESS instructors for 30 hours each week. During the pre-employment phase you will work with our Job Developers and our extensive employer network to find a placement opportunity aligned with your future career goals.

During your work placement you will work/attend class for up to 25 hours per week. At the end of the course you will continue to have full access to ATN services.

woman signing on a video call
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YESS Program

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